Leaning into Diversity: Uncovering Unconscious Bias
Foster diversity and inclusivity in your workplace by exploring the origins of unconscious bias.
With organisations increasingly aware of the value and importance of diversity, equity and inclusivity in their workforces, it is important to develop robust strategies which embrace difference and build empathy in the workplace. Yet even in the most open-minded organisations, Unconscious Bias remains a key feature of a failure to minimise partiality and truly embrace diversity, equity and inclusion.
This 2hr highly interactive workshop is designed to develop understanding and self awareness of unconscious bias, and teach strategies for mitigating its effects.
Participants will gain a deeper understanding of how ingrained preferences and prejudices shape perceptions and decision-making processes, often without our conscious awareness.
By the end of the session, your team will appreciate the importance of fostering an inclusive culture and feel empowered to contribute to a more equitable and inclusive workplace.
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Key Components:
What is Unconscious Bias?
This component elucidates the meaning of unconscious bias and its impact on behaviour and decision-making. Informed by research from psychologists including Mahzarin Banaji and Anthony Greenwald, participants learn about various types of biases, including affinity bias and halo effect,
Tools and Strategies
Participants are equipped with practical tools to identify and address unconscious bias in the workplace. Key strategies include perspective-taking, reading the room, and utilising the PAUSE framework from Vanderbilt University.
Psychological Safety
This component emphasises the significance of psychological safety in fostering an open and collaborative work environment. Participants engage in activities that promote trust and the free exchange of ideas without fear of negative consequences.
The Four Pillars
Participants learn about the ‘four pillars’—resilience, feedback, lived experience, and intentionality—that help combat unconscious bias and promote diversity. These pillars provide a framework for enhancing awareness and maximising the potential of a diverse workforce.
Key Benefits
Frequently Asked Questions
Ready to enhance your workforce capacity?
Looking for a deeper learning experience?
Our 2-hour Unconscious Bias program is complemented by a range of other sessions in DEI.
Contact us today to discuss which of our programs will best suit the needs of your organisation.